Monday, March 13, 2017


Monday, April 4, 2016

We're Better Together . . .

If you would like to talk about how to start a group yourself or have your congregation start such a small group ministry, please a Comment and leave a message or contact us at .

HOW TO: LAUNCH - GUIDE - SUMMARIZE a Bible Discussion group

HOME BIBLE DISCUSSIONS are really catching on . . . see how simple it is.  Everyone has a Bible, preferably the same translation that your Pastor uses from the Pulpit.  Visit, call group together, short opening prayer, someone or two read the passage out loud.  Facilitator launches the question, promotes dialog, summarizes group thinking of the passage.  Draw a lesson from the passage. Close around prayer needs.

LAUNCH questions:   deal with the Who, What, Why, Where,When, and How.  Write out the question.  Practice it out loud by framing it in the manner you want to ask it.  "What is this passage talking about?"  And you're off and running.

GUIDE questions:   deal with, "What do others of you think?"   And "Others what do you think?"  "Bob, what do you think about it?"   OR,  "What or how do you feel about that?"  Everyone has feelings about it, they just don't sometimes what you to know what they "think".  But, be assured, they have feelings.  And that's what you want out in the open, and for they to hear themselves even speak about something.  They will suddenly awaken to the fact, they have feelings and thoughts too, and will want to share them.  Everyone's responses are to be encouraged and not criticized.  At this stage, you're not after the correct or most correct interpretation of the passage of scripture. 

SUMMARIZE questions or comments:   that's where the facilitator begins to talk back to the group what he has just heard.  The facilitator might say:  "This is what I heard you say,..."  and then repeat what was said. 

This is where the facilitator may ask more launch questions and guide some more, and summarize the group thinking and gently correct by referring back to the text and explaining and clarifying.

The SUMMARIZE time is also where the Facilitator asks application questionsS.P.A.C.E.


Step 1
Read Context
of Study Verse (4 x)

Step 2
Summarize the Thought Before the Verse

Step 3
Summarize the Thought After the Verse

Step 4
Summarize the Thought of the Verse, in view of the context

Step 5
Are there parallel passages to this verse?  Or cross references?

Step 6
 Are there problems of understanding?  Summarize them.

Step 7
Sin to forsake?
Promise to claim?
Attitude to change?
Command to obey?
Example to follow?

Step  8
What have you learn new about God?
The Father, The Son, The Holy Spirit

Step 9
Enjoy your prayer time by telling God what you sensed He was teaching you about the verse or passage. 

Step 10
Refreshments  by the Host-hostess home.

Total Time:  1 hour and 30 minutes

Someone turn out the Lights!